The Source Code in Spirals

In Nature you find everywhere (development in) spiral shapes. Like the nautilus shell, the hurricane, the sunflower, the gushing away of water in a sink etc. This creation principle and this blueprint in Nature is know by many as phi, the Golden Mean (1,618033) or he Fibonacci sequence. Number based: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 etcetera. These same numbers showed up when Pythagoras found the harmonic (pure) tones in music by dividing a string and determining the ratio between the two parts.

As well in Nature this is present in all manifestations. See the movie “Nature by Numbers” next to this text (movie nr. 1 in playlist). By using another number system, numeric mathematics with a 9-based system, Gert Kramer applies the same philosophy as was used in ancient times as starting point. The 9 plays herein a key role.

What if Balance, Unity and Immortality are key words that our ancestors from wherever in this beautiful world wanted to give us in their many stories? What if there is One Cosmic Creation Principle that can be found in everything both in shape as in growth processes? Is this the so much sought for Unity in the Multiplicity? Is this the Source Code for which so many wars have been fought? Is this the Holy Grail that makes us understand once again our connectedness and immortality? Is this the Key of Life that results in such a deep appreciation of All Life that all kind of currently made choices will no longer be considered? Will Human finally remember that he is as well a Creator? Will this Cosmic Human then as well resume its responsibilities for its creations? Does this Key allow us to alter current group dynamics in this world?

milky way spiralIn the investigation carried out by dr. Jan Boeyens and dr. Francis Thackeray in South Africa Journal of Science: ‘Number Theory and the Unity of Science (2 pages) it is explained how the Golden Mean possibly determines how things in the universe come into shape. The number is not only mathematical but as well returns in physics, chemistry, biology and the ‘space-time typology’.

Do you see the perfect order and balancing principles?

Rewrite the Fibonacci sequence

The above movie shows the Golden Mean but does not relate this to the number 9.

Below you find again the number sequence known as Fibonacci sequence, rewritten according to the ancient, Numeric number theory of the Nine Pointed Star. This reveals the perfect balance of the Hermetic Source Code.

How does this rewritten key work?
It is quite simple: sum the penultimate and the last number: 1+1=2 / 1+2=3 / 2+3=5 / 3+5=8 / 5+8=13 / 8+13=21 etc..Pillar of Life







4 (13=1+3=4)

3 (21)

7 (34)

1 (55=10=1)

8 (89=17=8)

9 (144)

These are the first 12 numbers. Between brackets you see the original number, Numerically summed 13 becomes 4 etc.. In this way you will always find a source number of 1 to 9. The next 12 numbers go as follows (89+144=233=8 of 8+9=17=8):

8 (233)

8 (377=17)

7 (610)

6 (987=24)

4 (1597=22)

1 (2584=19=10)

5 (4181=14)

6 (6765=24)

2 (10946=20)

8 (17711=17)

1 (28657=28=10)

9 (46368=27)Boaz and Jachin

Now rediscover the order, based on a very ancient number theory, rediscovered by Gert Kramer:

Put the two twelve based source number sequences in two columns next to each other. What number is always found when these are added? And…! What happens when you count further after the first 24 numbers? Then the sequence just starts again:”1 1 2 3 5 8 4 3 7 etc.. This repetitive sequence is the origin of the infinity symbol. It becomes visible by drawing a line next two the two columns with numbers and connecting the end of both columns with the start of the other column. When this phenomenon stands at the basis of each life form, them this possibly is the Cosmic Creation Principle, known as the Unity that Human for so long has forgotten about.

Do you now understand why the spiral is cosmically the omnipresent shape of creation? Do you now understand why the Egyptian Thoth, messenger of the Gods has the mystic number 52, why God was given number 999, why there are 24 thrones in the Book of Revelations and why Chinese wise Dragons are composed of 9 animals and have exactly 117 scales? Do you now understand why Adonai has 72 and Allah 99 names?

As the wise king Solomon once said: “there is a time to be silent and a time to speak”. The time to speak has arrived. This is the time of Revelations.

Presentation for children in Dutch